Our TASTY TEXTURES puffed snacks for babies from 7+ months introduce subtle flavours and new texture experiences for mini mouths, and soft shapes that little fingers can hold. Safe for self-feeding and perfect for first-stage snacking.
If you follow a “baby-led” approach to starting solids where the emphasis is supporting your baby to learn to self-feed, you can offer some low-risk stick or circle shaped foods. Ideally, the texture needs to be soft or meltable to continue to be safe for the baby. Babies can bring them to their mouths to explore and learn a variety of flavours.
At or around 7 months, babies are evolving their pincer grasp. At times they will pick up toys or pieces of food with their thumb and a few fingers. They will gain the skill gradually to be able to pick up cubes of food with their thumb and pointer finger (pincer grasp).
With a pincer grasp comes a new feeding milestone (stage one snacking) and flavour & texture discovery opportunity! Baby will have the ability to pick up small pieces of food such as melt-in-the-mouth puffs like the Little Bellies range of TASTY TEXTURES for 7+ months, designed for safe self-feeding.
For more information on feeding milestones, please read our articles Baby Development Milestones Unpacked: A Comprehensive Age & Stage Guide to Natural Development.
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