4+ Months

Our FIRST FLAVOURS purées are perfect for introducing delicately puréed fruit to babies at the beginning of their lifelong food journey.
Certified organic, natural, free from artificial additives, genetically modified ingredients, unnecessary salt and sugar. Delicious!

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  • Little Bellies Organic Apple Purée

    Organic Apple Purée

  • Little Bellies Organic Banana Purée

    Organic Banana Purée

If you are on this page, you might be starting your baby on solids or considering to. Introducing solids marks a pivotal phase in your baby’s nutrition and growth.  It’s a journey filled with excitement and anticipation, as well as a touch of uncertainty. Here is just a few tips from our top feeding experts and paediatricians to help you get ready.

  • You don’t need a lot before diving into solids, but it helps to gather essential equipment like a high chair, bowls, baby-friendly utensils and bibs. These tools will make the feeding process easier and more enjoyable for both you and your baby.
  • Create a comfortable feeding environment, ensuring your baby is safely seated in a high chair. We don’t recommend high chairs that lean back as this can increase a baby’s risk of choking. Ideally, you will want to look for a high chair that gives 90-degree positioning for the back and hips, 90-degree positioning for the knees and 90-degree positioning for the ankles.
  • Start with 1-2 tablespoons of each food and offer more if they finish. Allow your baby’s hunger and fullness cues to guide you in determining how much to offer.
  • Keep in mind, in the beginning, they likely won’t eat much and will do a lot of exploring instead. So, start with simple, single-ingredient purees like the Little Bellies apple or banana purees, as they are just learning.
  • It’s also important to remove distractions and focus on making mealtime a pleasant and engaging experience. By fostering a positive relationship with food and creating a nurturing mealtime atmosphere, you set the stage for a lifetime of healthy eating habits and joyful family meals.

Cheers to this new chapter in your baby’s growth!

For more information about starting solids, please read our article Introducing Solids to a Baby: A Guide for Parents.