Travelling with Babies: Tips for Flying & Driving

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Travelling with babies can seem daunting for many parents. However, with careful planning and preparation, you can make your trips smooth and enjoyable for the whole family. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to travel confidently with your little one, whether flying or driving.

Choosing the Right Travel Mode

Next, you have to decide how you are going to travel with your little one. Assess your destination, budget, and baby’s temperament before booking your travel.

Flying is faster but can be challenging with jet lag and confined spaces. Long drives allow more freedom and comfort but require frequent stops. Here are the pros and cons of each:



  • Quicker travel time
  • Avoid long drives if car sickness is an issue


  • Navigating the airport with a stroller/gear
  • Confined space on a plane
  • Air pressure changes during take-off and landing
  • Exposure to germs from other passengers



  • Freedom to control schedule/stops
  • More space for the baby to stretch out
  • Can pack more supplies and gear


  • Long periods strapped in a car seat
  • Frequent stops needed, affecting drive time
  • Motion sickness or crankiness during long drives

Look at the duration of travel and your baby’s ability to cope with each mode to decide what works best.

Pre-Travel Preparation is Key

Proper preparation is crucial for a stress-free trip with your baby.

What to bring

Start planning well in advance and make a checklist of everything you need to pack. Here are some essentials:

  • Nappies, wipes, rash cream
  • Extra changes of clothes
  • Bibs, burp cloths
  • Baby formula, bottles
  • Baby spoons and cups
  • Baby food and snacks
  • Dummies, teething toys
  • Blankets, swaddle

Having extras of necessities like nappies and clothes in case of accidents or messes is wise.

  • Don’t forget comfort items. Pack your baby’s favorite toys, books, stuffed animals, and blankets. Familiarity helps soothe them.
  • Medications and first aid supplies: Bring any medications, thermometer, pain/fever reducers, bandages, and antiseptic cream.
  • Hand sanitiser and disinfecting wipes: Wipe surfaces like tray tables and changing surfaces before using them.
  • Portable changing pad: A foldable changing pad lets you change nappies anywhere cleanly and comfortably.
  • Important documents: Have identification, passports, and insurance cards handy in your hand luggage.

Tips for Flying with Your Baby

Flying with an infant can be challenging but strategic planning makes it manageable. Here are a few tips to help you out:

  • Book at Baby-Friendly Times: If possible, choose flights during the baby’s normal nap times. Early mornings or red-eyes when they sleep are ideal.
  • Reserve Baby Bassinets or Extra Legroom: Many airlines offer bassinets for babies under 10 kg or seats with extra legroom. Reserve these well in advance.
  • Breastfeed or Give a Dummy for Ear Pain: Sucking helps relieve ear pressure discomfort during take-off and landing. Hold a nursing baby at your breast or give a dummy.
  • Request Priority Boarding: Pre-boarding lets you settle in and set up all your gear without rushed stress.
  • Pack Smart Carry-Ons: Bring essentials like nappies, wipes, a change of clothes, a hoard of healthy snacks, toys, and blankets in your carry-on bag. Having everything accessible in the cabin makes flying easier.
  • Utilise the Baby Stroller: Use a lightweight stroller to transport your baby through the airport and store it at the gate to contain squirmy infants.
  • Prepare Activities and Toys: Pack small new toys and books in your carry-on. Break them out one at a time to maintain novelty and engagement.
  • Move Around the Cabin: When possible, take short strolls up and down the aisle bouncing a fussy baby. This soothes them with motion and change of scenery.

Road Trip Success with Infants

While road trips allow more flexibility, long drives can be challenging with little ones. Proper planning is key for a smooth journey. Here are a few tips:

  • Plan Stops Strategically: Schedule stops every 2-3 hours to feed, change nappies, and stretch. Frequent breaks prevent meltdowns.
  • Master Car Seat Safety: Ensure car seats are properly installed and adjusted. Never deviate from car seat safety best practices.
  • Pack Smart: Have toys and snacks within reach. Only bring essentials to avoid clutter. A cooler with milk and baby food is useful.
  • Prevent Motion Sickness: Keep the ride smooth. Driving carefully and avoiding sudden motions helps prevent car sickness. Keep the window slightly open for fresh air.
  • Play Soothing Music: Create a playlist of nap-time songs and lullabies. Familiar sounds and voices help babies relax.
  • Watch For Signs of Discomfort: Learn your baby’s cues. Fussiness, crying, or sudden silence means pulling over to address needs.
  • Schedule Overnight Stays: For very long drives, book a family-friendly hotel midway to break up the journey. A good night’s rest helps everyone.

Managing Baby Needs While Travelling

Travelling inevitably disrupts normal feeding, sleeping, and changing routines. Maintain flexibility and attend to needs ASAP.


  • Nurse or offer bottles when you first sense hunger cues for happy babies. Keep milk chilled in coolers.
  • Bring familiar foods like cereals, pouches or finger foods like baby puffs if your little one is already on solids. Offer a variety of flavours and textures to keep meals interesting.
  • Scope out clean, private nursing rooms in airports and rest stops. Or use a nursing cover for discreet feeding anywhere.

Changing nappies

  • Carry a portable changing pad, wipes, disposal bags and extra nappies easily accessible in your nappy bag.
  • Change nappies every 2-3 hours and whenever fussy to avoid rashes.
  • Ask flight attendants or your hotel for private spaces to change babies or find family restrooms in airports/rest stops.


  • If driving overnight, book hotels with cribs or make sleep spaces with firm padded surfaces and fitted sheets. Never bed share.
  • Follow usual nap routines. Allow babies to sleep in car seats and strollers throughout travel days. Avoid overstimulation.
  • Pack familiar sleep associations like loveys, swaddles, and white noise machines to make strange places more comforting.

Health and Safety Tips

While travelling poses some health risks, there are precautions you can take to keep your baby safe and healthy.

  • Maintain Vigilant Hygiene: Wash hands frequently and use hand sanitiser. Disinfect tray tables, armrests, and high-touch surfaces.
  • Monitor Baby Closely: Watch for any signs of illness like vomiting, diarrhea, or fever which could indicate something contagious.
  • Keep First Aid Essentials Accessible: Have any medications, basic medical gear, and contact info for paediatricians within reach. Act quickly for accidents.
  • Avoid Germ Exposure: Try to keep young infants away from sneezing, coughing, and visibly sick people by asking to move seats or waiting to board flights last.
  • Prevent Dehydration: In hot climates, keep babies hydrated. Offer small sips of water in addition to milk/formula which helps rehydrate.
  • Use Sun Protection: Keep infants shaded. Apply baby-safe sunscreen on exposed skin and dress in breathable, lightweight clothing.
  • Avoid feeding finger foods in the car if an adult is not sitting next to them. Always monitor them eating as chocking is SILENT!

Choosing Baby-Friendly Lodging

Pick accommodations designed for families with babies and ask about:

  • Available cribs, convertible beds, and baby-proofed rooms.
  • Rooms on higher floors for less outside noise. Adjoining rooms if travelling with a partner or friend.
  • Microwaves to heat up food and bottle warmer access. Fridges for milk storage.
  • Laundry amenities to wash clothes, reusable nappy training pants, etc.
  • Nearby pharmacies, doctors’ offices, hospitals, and emergency facilities.
  • Policies on later check-outs, meal deliveries, and other baby-friendly perks.

Opting for family-oriented hotels or baby-fit home rentals can make your stay infinitely easier when travelling with babies.

Arrival Tips: Helping Baby Adjust

The first day at your destination can be chaotic for babies’ routines. Reduce stress with these ideas:

  • Unpack essentials like nappies, wipes, medications, PJs, and familiar toys first so you have easy access.
  • Set up a safe sleep space with any bed rails, co-sleepers or portable cribs. Use white noise/sleep associations.
  • Take time to acquaint babies with new surroundings in a calm way. Go for a short stroller walkabout or soothing cuddle.
  • Try to maintain naps, feedings, and bedtime rituals as close to normal as possible. Expect some jet lag and fussiness.
  • Avoid big activities on arrival day. Focus on settling in. Prioritise calmness and regulate sleep and eating routines.
  • If switching time zones, gradually transition in advance by tweaking schedules by 15-30 mins every few days pre-travel.

The key is allowing ample adjustment time upon arrival while keeping familiar routines consistent.

Final Thoughts

While travelling with babies poses unique challenges, proper planning and mental preparation for unforeseen sets you up for the best chance at successful family holidays.

Focus on meeting fundamental needs like sleep, food, nappies, and safety. But also, lightly structure in opportunities to explore new places together and forge priceless memories. If mishaps happen (and they will!), stay cool and remember this too shall pass.

Above all, keep sight of why you wanted to travel with your baby – to connect, have fun, and show them the world. With the right tools and attitude, your patience and faith will be rewarded with a happy baby and unforgettable first trips.

Photo by Valeria Zoncoll on Unsplash